
 Anti-Racism - Why Bother? An article from team leader, Alan Miller, may be found HERE


White Privilege? An article from team leader, Alan Miller, may be found HERE.


Anti-Racism resources we have read, watched, and listened to are found HERE


Podcast on Racism: Lead Pastor, Hunter Hess, and Director of Music and Worship, Rashard Allen, sat down to talk about racism in our culture. Listen to it HERE


Anti-Racism Team Statement

What is the problem?

Many of us are completely oblivious to the systems that benefit us, while they exclude (or greatly limit) the opportunities for persons whose skin is not white. We did not sign the contract, but we are enjoying the benefits. We, the Anti-Racism Team, see our work as an invitation to participate in some long overdue, but very necessary (and perhaps very difficult) conversations.

What are the Team goals:

  • We commit ourselves to ongoing self-education, learning about the history and the ongoing systemic racism of our country.
  • We commit ourselves to ongoing self-reflection, exploring our own past, how it has shaped us, and the choices we get to make today and into the future.
  • We seek to provide both resources and opportunities for the hard, necessary discussions about race and white privilege.
  • We will seek to identify specific ways in which the Neffsville Mennonite Church can address the issues of systemic racism.
  • We invite others to be part of this ongoing discussion and growth.

How should we respond?

  • Pray! How might God be inviting us to be agents of reconciliation in these difficult times? How are we being called to extend God's kingdom? How might we learn from our sisters and brothers of a different color?
  • Learn about the violent, deliberate actions of white people designed to control, intimidate and suppress black people in this country.
  • Attend workshops and participate in discussion groups. Watch for announcements of upcoming events.
  • Sign up for the daily A History of Racial Injustice calendar from Equal Justice Initiative -
  • Watch videos and/or movies. Listen to podcasts. Click on the Resource List button near the top of the page.
  • Have genuine, caring discussions with friends of color. Ask about their hopes and dreams. Give them space to discuss their own experiences of racial discrimination.


As followers of Jesus, we believe that all of God's children have incredible value and worth. We see our work as guided by Paul's letter to the Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

We look forward to the day when we can participate in John's vision described in Revelation 7:9

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.

Neffsville Mennonite Church Anti-Racism Team                 

Lowell  & Ruth Jantzi, Alan Miller (Chair), Rick Rutt, Rolando Santiago, Rashard Allen (ex officio), Hunter Hess (ex officio)


Join us Sundays for worship at

10:00 A.M.