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NMC Blog

Posts by Dean Smith

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New Beginnings - 2025

New Beginnings 2025

It is the beginning of the year, often a time full of thoughts of improvement of our physical, emotional, and mental health. Like no time in history, we have more quality information available to us - and it is easily accessible on our devices - to help with all of those areas. The conundrum is wading through the detritus to find it!...

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(Disc) Golf and God

Disc Golf

A few thoughts on glow-in-the-dark disc golf, God, and letting our light shine....

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Journey House Renovations

A brief summary of the vision for the Journey House and the process it has gone through recently....

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Easter Review


In this latest Discerning God's Vision Together we look back at our Easter services and what they mean to us....

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Old Hymnals Find New Life

Lowell J. delivered the old hymnals and songbooks to BookSavers in Ephrata this week. He reported that they will sell as many of them as they can and the rest will go to a lady who creates 3D dioramas out of old books. BookSavers is a division of ReUzit on State, a Mennonite Central Committee Thrift Shop. Thank you, Lowell, for taking care of this!...

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Grove Clean-up

The grove along Lititz Pike received a 'lift' recently....

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Men's Retreat - 2019


Sixteen men met for a weekend of relaxing, eating way too much, and learning that we need each other....

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Your Stories: Dwight & Edna Hershberger


"Your Stories" is shared with the intent to inform, connect, inspire, and build community as we learn about each other's lives....

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4th Grade Bible Presentation

4th grade bibles 2019

Each year the students who have just finished 4th grade are presented with a Bible....

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Young Adult Retreat 2019

Blog Title_YA Ocean 2019

Young Adult Retreat - 2019...

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Your Stories: Jordan & Carren Weidler


"Your Stories" is shared with the intent to inform, connect, inspire, and build community, as we learn about each others' lives....

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Your Story - Marcy Rahner

Marcy Rahner blog

"Your Stories" is shared with the intent to inform, connect, inspire, and build community, as we learn about each others' lives. This month we meet Marcy Rahner....

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Welcome to Jordan Weidler

Jordan Weidler

Join in welcoming Jordan Weidler to the staff as a ministry intern....

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New Logo - New Website


An explanation of the new logo....

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Welcome to Rashard Allen

Rashard Allen

We welcome Rashard Allen as our Director of Music and Worship....

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Renovations Timeline


An update on the progress of the plans to renovate the children's ministry area on the lower level....

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Your Story - Deb Smith


Deb Smith, watercolor artist and prayer warrior, shares her story....

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Your Story: Ron Pawling

Ron Pawling

Ron Pawling, life-long teacher, shares his story....

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MCC Relief Sale


Transportation to the MCC Relief Sale provided....

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