Jacob Smoker, Student Intern
This morning we have the privilege of introducing our newest student intern. Jacob Smoker will be serving approximately six hours a week with us for the next sixteen weeks.
Jacob is one of six siblings. His mother is our own Administrative Assistant, Julie Smoker. Jacob was born in New York. He then lived for seven years in Guatemala where his parents served as missionaries.
Jacob is currently a junior at Hinkletown Mennonite School where he looks forward to playing on the school's varsity volleyball team. Among other things Jacob enjoys music, playing the guitar and the ukulele. He is also taking a college level course, Interpreting the Bible at Lancaster Bible College.
He works at Subway. In his spare time he is trying to fix up his '03 Honda Accord.
Jacob has served the last few years as a Counselor in Training at the Penn York Camp in Ulysses, PA. He is looking forward to serving there as a Counselor this summer.
We do not have a complete list of what Jacob will do during his internship, but we anticipate that his work will include some of the following:
- Working with Eszter and assisting with the youth.
- Serving with Rashard on a worship team.
- Serving as the worship leader (perhaps once or twice).
- Assisting with tech support.
- Other assignments as mutually agreed.
Why did we invite Jacob to be a student intern? Jacob will benefit since training in a congregational setting is an invaluable part of a student's learning. This provides important hands-on training for him.
In turn, our congregation always benefits from the enthusiasm and gifts of an emerging leader. We will also continue this congregation's long history of being a teaching church.
We look forward to Jacob being in our midst and seeing the ways that he is able to use his gifts in the upcoming weeks and months.
Your friend on the journey,
Alan Miller