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NMC Blog

New Beginnings - 2025

New Beginnings 2025

It is the beginning of the year, often a time full of thoughts of improvement of our physical, emotional, and mental health. Like no time in history, we have more quality information available to us - and it is easily accessible on our devices - to help with all of those areas.

The conundrum is wading through the detritus to find it!

Therefore, if you are one who enjoys reading or podcasts, allow us to provide a few “staff favorites” for your consideration. As with any recommendation, it comes with a caveat: Expect to be challenged! Not everything will agree with your political views, your Biblical understanding, or your personality. Hopefully, you will accept the challenge, and delve into these suggestions with a sense of adventure and openness to explore the world in which we are created to be image bearers of God. If you do bump into something you don’t understand or agree with, and we hope you do, see that as a perfect opportunity to ask questions! It is quite possible we had the same experience!

Without further ado, dive in!


(search for these in your favorite podcast player):

The Bema Podcast  --  Hunter, Ally, Dean

The Holy Post Podcast  --  Hunter, Eszter

Therapy & Theology  --  Dean, Julie

Being Known Podcast  --  Hunter, Dean

The Place We Find Ourselves  --  Hunter, Dean, Julie

The Habit Podcast  --  Dean

The Bible Project  --  Dean

How to Enhance Performance and Learning by Applying a Growth Mindset  (actually a YouTube video, not a podcast)  --  Hunter, Rashard


With, by Skye Jethani  --  Eszter, Dean

Renovation of the Heart, by Dallas Willard  --  Dean

Practicing the Way, by John Mark Comer  --  Eszter, Dean

The Deepest Place, by Curt Thompson, MD  --  Dean

Sensible Shoes, by Sharon Garlough Brown  --  Julie

Faith Formation in a Secular Age, by Andrew Root  --  Eszter


Join us Sundays for worship at

10:00 A.M.