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Posts Tagged with "conference"

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Experience with Mosaic Institute’s Class

Intro Mosaic Conf

Eszter Bjorkman, Associate Pastor, begins the process of working towards ordination in the Mosaic Mennonite Conference. "The first class focused on the origins of Anabaptism, the evolution of the Mosaic Conference, and what Mosaic, as well as Mennonites, look like today."...

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A Prayer of Lament

Intro Mosaic Conf Lament

As part of their experience in the class offered by Mosaic Mennonite Conference for new-to-the-conference pastors, participants were asked to research one of the Great Cloud of Witnesses within Mennonite history. Eszter chose to write about Annie C. Funk, a Mennonite missionary in India over 100 years ago....

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How is it going so far? - Mosaic Mennonite Conference

Answering the question as to how things are going with Mosaic Mennonite Conference....

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